5 Signs That You Might Need a Root Canal

When you have tooth pain or other symptoms, you might wonder if this means you’ll need a root canal. Root canals are procedures that involve removing infected material from inside your tooth to prevent tooth loss and other serious problems. Dentists might recommend a root canal in Shelburne if you have any of the following symptoms.

Tooth Pain or Pressure

When you have severe or sudden tooth pain, this might indicate that you have an infected tooth that needs a root canal. Feeling pressure in a tooth, such as when you lay down on one side, might also be a sign of needing a root canal. Since tooth pain can be a sign of many other dental problems, such as cavities, gum disease and damaged fillings, it’s important to have a dentist determine the cause.

Tooth Sensitivity

Feeling pain or discomfort in one or more teeth when you eat or drink something hot or cold can happen from time to time. You might also experience this sensation when your teeth are exposed to cold air. However, having tooth sensitivity that doesn’t go away after heat or cold exposure could mean you need a root canal. You should see a dentist to find out what is causing tooth sensitivity and make sure you get the right treatment.

Tooth Damage

A cracked or chipped tooth might lead to the need for a root canal. In some cases, this type of damage results in an infection inside the tooth. A root canal might need to be done in order to eliminate infected pulp in the tooth to prevent it from spreading or getting worse. In other cases, severe decay or infection might weaken a tooth enough to cause it to become chipped or cracked.

Gum Problems

Problems with your gums might indicate that you should have a root canal done. If your gums become discolored or dark, this means they are starting to decay. This often occurs when the teeth in this area of your mouth are severely decayed or infected. Other gum signs to watch for include tiny bumps, tenderness and swelling. Small bumps on your gums can be a sign of a tooth infection. Swollen and tender gums can also be a symptom of tooth infections. Keep in mind that gum swelling and tenderness might indicate gum disease, which requires prompt treatment as well.

Loose Tooth

An infected or severely decayed tooth can become loose due to nerve death. When nerves decay, they produce acidic waste that softens the bone around the affected tooth. This can cause the tooth to become more mobile or loose in its socket. Other dental problems, such as gum disease, can cause this symptom as well, so you should have a dentist evaluate your teeth and gums.

Contact Us for a Root Canal in Shelburne

If you think you might need a root canal, please contact Shelburne Village Dental to set up an appointment. Our dentist, Dr. Faisal Waseem, can evaluate your dental problem to determine if a root canal is the right kind of treatment. If not, we can make sure you receive proper treatment to ease tooth pain and other symptoms.

Our patients will always be our first priority. We are devoted to creating an exceptional experience with every patient that walks into our office.

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