No one likes getting a cavity for numerous reasons. Not only do cavities tend to hurt, but it also means that you’ll need a filling, which comes with its own negative elements. Along with a common fear of getting a dental filling, you may end up dreading the potential dent that getting a filling puts in your wallet.
This leads to the question: how much do fillings cost in Ontario? And will insurance always cover the cost? Understanding the cost of fillings is important if you want to be fully prepared for the procedure.
This article will cover how much dental fillings cost in Ontario and explain what you can expect from the process.
The Basics: What Is a Filling?
Before answering the question of “how much do fillings cost in Ontario,” let’s first make sure you know what a filling is.
Simply put, a filling is a process of repairing the damage to your tooth through cavities (tooth decay). The way that cavities work is by creating tiny holes in your teeth. This is bad as it makes it easy for food and other substances to infect your tooth.
As a result, it may cause discomfort and pain in that tooth, make it more challenging to use that tooth or lead to worse problems that may require more extensive solutions than a tooth filling, such as a root canal or tooth extraction.
Several causes may lead to cavities, including:
- Improper brushing
- Bacteria
- Sugary drinks and sweet sticky foods
Paying attention to the above and forming good habits is the best way to prevent a cavity. However, if you still end up with a cavity, the prescribed solution is a filling.

How Do Fillings Work?
As you can guess from the name, a filling fills that hole to prevent further damage to that tooth. There are many different types of fillings, such as:
- Silver-coloured fillings
- Gold fillings
- Porcelain fillings
- Composite resin fillings
Here’s what you can expect from your filling appointment.
Once you get to the dentist, the first thing they’ll do is freeze the corner of your mouth that you’re getting a filling in. This is to reduce the amount of potential pain the procedure may cause. If you’re getting several fillings in different areas of your mouth, your dentist might freeze several areas or even require you to come back for another appointment.
The dentist will then proceed to the filling. After the procedure, your mouth will most likely still be numb and remain that way for a few hours. You shouldn’t feel any pain, but you can use ibuprofen if you do.
Now that we’ve discussed the basics of what a filling is, let’s talk costs and see how much fillings cost in Ontario.
How Much Do Fillings Cost in Ontario?
The answer to “how much do fillings cost in Ontario” isn’t as simple as a single number. The cost of a filling will be different at every dentist’s office. As a simple answer, you should expect to pay a minimum of $100 for a single filling but may end up paying as much as $600 for one tooth.
The cost of your filling also depends on several factors, such as the type of filling material you get. For example, composite resin fillings are typically more expensive than silver amalgam fillings. This is because they require more equipment and a more complicated process.
Another essential factor to the cost of fillings is the number of fillings you need. Needing more than one filling complicates the process in that one tooth may have one type of damage while the other one suffers from another kind of damage, resulting in each tooth needing special attention.
What’s more is that you may need more than one appointment to complete your dental work, which could be even more expensive.
Various factors affect the cost of fillings, including the type of damage your tooth has and the location of the tooth that needs to be filled. In general, fillings can be costly.
Keep in mind, however, that getting a filling is much cheaper than a root canal or an extraction — two procedures you may have no choice but to pay for if you ignore your cavity. In the long run, a filling is not only an investment in the health of your mouth but may also end up saving you a lot more money in the long run.
The good news is that your dental insurance plan likely covers the cost of fillings, but often only to a certain extent. You must consult your insurance provider beforehand to determine how much your dental coverage allows and what you may have to pay out of pocket.

Other Filling Tips
It’s essential to be prepared for your dental work. Here are a few additional filling tips to help you out.
- Fillings are a common and relatively quick dental procedure. It’s possible to get a tooth filling in as little as 20 minutes if you need one.
- The earlier you catch a cavity, the less damage it will do and the less expensive your filling may be. Cavities that go untreated can require more extensive dental treatment, like a root canal, dental implant, or dental crown.
- You may need another filling on the same tooth in the future if you don’t practice good dental hygiene.
- To avoid cavities altogether, brush your teeth twice a day, floss, and go to your regular dental checkups to maintain good oral health.
How Much Do Fillings Cost in Ontario: The Verdict
Cavities and fillings are common, so you can trust your dentist to take care of this common dental treatment. Although fillings can be expensive, you may face a high cost to your wallet and your health if you don’t get one.
At Shelburne Village Dental, we do composite fillings that blend in with the colour of your teeth, making them a good choice if you want a more natural look. If you’re in the Shelburne area and think you have a cavity or require other dental care, give us a call to get checked out today.